FRANKFURT, Nov 23 (Reuters) - Commerzbank Chief Executive Martin Blessing urged policymakers to make up their mind about whether a European bank regulator should stabilise financial markets or serve as a tool for back-door financial transfers to weak euro zone states.
"Do we want European supervision to be an institution that truly stabilizes our financial system or more as a vehicle for re-allocation and transfer?" Blessing asked bankers and regulators gathered at a conference in Frankfurt on Friday.
"Funds should be provided to banks only if the ESM/European supervision has the ability to clamp down and receive ownership of failed banks," he said, referring to the European Stability Mechanism, the EU's rescue fund.
The European Central Bank (ECB) was the right institution to take on the task of reforming supervision of lenders in Europe, the German banker said, adding that acommon regulator shouldoversee all banks in Europe.
Banking and finance News,stock watch, economic report and investment tips and avenues.
Friday, 23 November 2012
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Argentina will have to pay $1.3bn to hedge funds
Argentina will have to pay $1.3bn to hedge funds that refused to restructure their debts after the country's 2001 default when it makes regular payments to its restructured bondholders in December, a US court has ordered.
The ruling, made late onWednesday in New York, raises the possibility that Argentinawill default once more, and if upheld representsa major chink in the armour of sovereign immunity against creditors that has largelyreigned in international law for almost a century.
US District Court Judge Thomas Griesa first madethe order earlier this year, which after appealswas unexpectedly largely affirmed by the US federal appeals courton October 26.
The case was then sent back to the original judge to clarify certain aspects, such as how much was due to the funds, led by Elliott Associates, an aggressive hedge fund that has made suing countries its hallmark.
"It is hardly an injustice to have legal rulings which, at long last, meanthat Argentina must pay the debts which it owes," Judge Griesa saidin an updated opinion."After 10 years of litigation this is a just result."
More controversially, thejudge largely reaffirmedthe extent that third parties would be affected by his order.
Argentina has refused topay on past judgments against it, arguing that the funds were"vultures" and"scavengers", but JudgeGriesa gave his order teeth by landing an injunction on Argentina, its agents "and other persons who are in active concert or participation with the parties or their agents".
This includes Bank of New York Mellon, the trustee of Argentina's restructured bonds, which acts as a conduit of the country's payments to investors in these securities. The judge argued that whenBNY Mellon pays restructured bondholders, those creditors that refused to join the restructuring should also be paid what they are due.
Despite vehement protests from BNY Mellon, restructured bondholders and a NewYork Federal Reserve opinion in Argentina's favour, the judge confirmed that his injunction extended to the US payments system -- which some legal experts have argued hasa systemic impact on future sovereign debt restructurings.
"It is probably true that these parties are not all agents of Argentina, but they surely are 'in activeconcert or participation' with Argentina in processing the paymentsfrom Argentina to the exchange bondholders,"the order stated.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Averages and Indices
Statistical tools that measure the state of the stock market or the economy, based on the performance of stocks, bonds or other components. Examples are the S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index, the S&P/TSX Composite Index, the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Consumer Price Index.
Averaging Down
Buying more of a security at a price that is lower than the price paid for the initial investment. The aim of averaging down is to reducethe average cost per unit of the investment.
When the price of the underlying equity, index or commodity equals the strike price of the option.
Basis Point
One-hundredth of a percentage point. For example, the difference between 5.25% and 5.50% is25 basis points.
Bear Market
A market in which stock prices are falling.
Ask or Offer
The lowest price at which someone is willing to sell thesecurity. When combined with the bid price information, it forms the basisof a stock quote.
Anonymous Trading Permits Participating
Organizations to voluntarily withhold their true broker identities when entering orders and trades on TSX trading systems.
Annual Report
A publication, including financial statements and a report on operations, issued by a company to its shareholders at the company's fiscal year-end.
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