Tuesday 1 May 2012

SAFARICOM MPESA WONDER (mobile money platform). About seven years ago, safaricom a telecom company in Kenya introduced new concept to the kenyan market, the idea was that of sending and receiving money using mobile with sim card of safaricom.Many years later kenyas google as realy developed into amazing technological instrument that kenyans can not live without. today amount of money that is transmitted through Mpesa in a day are more than that of western union. out of 40million kenyans 17million have an Mpesa. You can use your Mpesa to pay your bills purchase tickets änd goods. Banks in the beggining feared that mpesa would run them out of business, but after analysing the model it then they realised they were the biggest beneficiaries of mpesa. Mpesa allows it customers to deposit and withdraw cash from there banks, not only they can access there account they held with banks. Today if you visit the most rural part were infrastracture is poor the only thing you will not fail see is an Mpesa shop. unlike other platforms which are not safe Mpesa have got a minimal cases of fraud